Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment – a natural anti-ageing treatment amongst Celebrities rumoured to have had PRP treatments are Kim Kardashian and Angelina Jolie
PRP is an advanced cutting edge therapy using growth factors present in the alpha granules of platelets in an autologous manner.
PRP is a regenerative treatment, not the same as a corrective treatment and will only benefit you through your lifetime with repeated treatments
PRP has been widely used in the past decade in various fields of therapy, including orthopaedics, plastic surgery, dentistry and aesthetics. An effective alternative to synthetic dermal fillers in the field of skin rejuvenation
What is PRP
PRP Therapy is an increasingly popular treatment used to improve the texture of the skin, create better skin tone, firm the skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It is a new form of regenerative medicine that utilises your own blood, where the platelet rich plasma component is extracted, concentrated and reintroduced to rejuvenate the skin.
Platelets are a crucial part in the body’s ability to stop bleeding and repair damaged blood vessels and cells in the body. Platelets contain substances called growth factors that activate and rejuvenate cells in the body.
The concentrated platelets in PRP contain vast amounts of bioactive proteins, which include growth factors. These growth factors have been shown to initiate accelerated tissue repair, and to have positive effects on skin rejuvenation. The growth factors, when released promote tissue repair and collagen production
The total procedure takes approximately 1 hour. You will have an initial consultation to discuss your medical history and your expectations from the treatment. Topical anaesthetic cream is applied all over the face for 45 minutes to numb the skin. Our Practitioner will then take blood from your arm before placing the blood into a centrifuge machine. After the blood has been spun it will then be injected into your face with the platelet rich plasma. This may cause some slight but brief discomfort. You may experience temporary swelling, bruising or itchiness around the site of treatment. This will usually settle within a day or two
The treatment normally takes 4-6 weeks to take effect and you are often required to have repeat treatments to maintain the results
Are there any side effects?
Side effects, if the occur, are usually temporary and mild to moderate, possible side effects can be mild bruising, swelling or infection around the injection sites.
if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have autoimmune or blood pathologies or cancer then treatment should be avoided. Furthermore, consistent use of NSAIDS *within 48 hours of PRP application should be avoided.
*(Aspirin (also an NSAID) is used to inhibit the clotting of blood and prevent strokes and heart attacks in individuals at high risk for strokes and heart attacks. NSAIDs also are included in many cold and allergy preparations.)