Dermalux® Tri-Wave Therapy. Beautiful Skin Powered By Light
Dermalux Light Therapy
When anybody comes to an Aesthetic Clinic they want to embrace anti-ageing with confidence. Many of us are turning towards natural rejuvenation rather the going under the knife.
Skin is in fact the largest organ on the human body and looking after it will show in dividends! as we all go through the ageing process
Feel Like You! Is what we are all about here at Symetrie clients wish to improve their looks and quality of their skin and therefor good quality skin gives a much more youthful appearance.
After just one treatment skin is incredibly hydrated, plump and radiant, and redness and irritation are calmed. Energise yours skin cells.
Dermalux works by using 1,800 highly advanced LED bulbs, to expose your skin to specific wavelengths of light simultaneously, this boosts skin energy and activates the skin cells, leaving your skin looking immediately brighter for outstanding natural results.
One treatment is just 20 minutes long, they can be taken as a one off treatment but cumulatively a course is advised with results which carry on after your chosen treatment has finished