This a peel especially for around the eyes and lips. It has TCA within the peel which would normally be too strong for the delicate areas but Enerpeel is uniquely engineered with a gel-peel formulation, layered onto areas targeted, each layer increases the strength of the treatment which enables us to bespoke the treatment personally to you
Very useful in targeting dark eye circles, and smoker’s/kiss lines above the lips
Photo-ageing of Peri Orbital and Peri Oral Areas
Anti-ageing of Peri Orbital and Peri Oral Areas
Lines and wrinkles of Peri Orbital and Peri Oral Areas
Dark circles and under eye bags
Crow’s feet of Peri Orbital area
Pout lines of Oral area
Un-even skin tone & pigmentation of Peri Orbital and Peri Oral Areas
Always book in for a free consultation