Basal Cell Carcinoma as two of our clients found out they had, can be very innocent looking spots or marks on the skin BCC sometimes resemble noncancerous skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema, individuals with a basal-cell carcinoma appears with a change in the skin, such as a growth or a sore that won’t heal, typically present with a shiny, pearly skin nodule,
It is not clear what causes BCC but risk exposures include exposure to ultra violet light, having lighter coloured skin, exposure to UV light during childhood is particularly harmful, there are numerous other factors, Avoiding the sun and using sunscreen may help protect against basal cell carcinoma
Basal-cell cancer accounts for at least 32% of all cancers globally
If you have a suspicion of anything not being quiet right on your skin, always go and get it checked by a skin specialist or a GP