Symétrie Aesthetic Clinic Sign


Widely used much more in medicine than in Aesthetics, treating many conditions successfully over many years, and having a High Safety profile!

In cosmetic applications, anti-wrinkle injections are considered safe and effective for reduction of facial wrinkles especially in the uppermost third of the face. Injecting into the muscles under facial wrinkles causes relaxation of those muscles, resulting in the smoothing of the overlying skin. Smoothing of wrinkles is usually visible three days after treatment and is maximally visible two weeks following injection. Virtually pain free you may feel a slight scratch at the injection site, with no downtime, so very much a treatment which can be carried out whenever it suits you to do so.  The treated muscles gradually regain function, and generally return to their former appearance three to four months after treatment, but can sometimes last up to 6 months. Muscles can be treated repeatedly to maintain the smoothed appearance.  As well as facial wrinkles, the anti-wrinkle injection is used for a ‘Gummy Smile  smile/

All Consultations are free and very informative to the individual client, call us or contact us via a social media to see if we can help you

After treatment -things to avoid

No excessive alcohol consumption, no aerobic exercise for 24 hours after procedure

do not massage the areas treated as this could migrate the product to an adjacent facial muscle

No facial massages, facials or do not put any excessive pressure to the areas treated for 1 week after the procedure