EDS Micro-Needling

Mircroneedle Machine

EDS Micro-needling – What is it and why it may be good for you!

The EDS Regenerate treatment is an electronic, micro-skin needling procedure that stimulates your skin so that it will regenerate and repair itself naturally, resulting in smoother, brighter, younger and healthier looking skin.

EDS Rejuvenate is carried out using the gold-award-winning eDermastamp; a German-engineered and manufactured medical device from the makers of the original Genuine Dermaroller™, featuring the highest quality needles and precision controls

It can be used as a key treatment in rejuvenating skin with the following conditions:

  • Acne scars
  • Photo-damaged and ageing skin
  • Facial and décolleté lines and wrinkles
  • Stretch marks



How it works

Before treatment is started, your skin is cleaned and numbed with a topical anaesthetic cream, you will remain comfortable throughout the treatment which on average takes 20 minutes, in total an hour’s appointment. It can take up to six weeks before you see signs of regeneration and repair, although the process will continue to work over the following months, leaving you with natural, long lasting results.

EDS creates thousands of micro medical needle columns into your skin, each one penetrating deep within the dermis layer.  These columns will stimulate the skin, encouraging it to regenerate and repair itself, then will rapidly close so that your skin can quickly recover.  You can expect your skin to remain red, feeling and looking a lot like moderate sunburn, this can last for around 24-36 hours.

After Care

After treatment of EDS you will need to ensure you protect your skin every morning with Heliocare.  We recommend that your EDS Regenerate Treatment consists of three procedures approximately six weeks apart.  However, some skin conditions may need more treatments to achieve the desired results.